Saturday, January 16, 2010

Hurry Up!

One of the most common complaints by PC users, right after "I think I have a virus!", is "My computer has become soooo slow". Uh huh. They do that.

But the GOOD news is it's like highly fixable. The first place to start is to know what's loading on your computer every time you start up and then eliminate the ones that you don't absoltively need! It's not difficult, really, but for the non-techno minded you'll probably want to call a tech in for help. Takes about an hour to do a tune up and shouldn't cost more than 65-75$.

The second thing you can do is evaluate the cost of adding more RAM memory. Prices on RAM have been really low in the last 6 months, so less than 100$ can many times double, or even four-ple, your memory greatly speeding up your computer's thought process. Putting in new RAM is only a little tougher than plugging in a light bulb, but again, if you need help we do that, too.

Call or write us (503) 530-6623

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